Friday 20 August 2010

Third task = * A WEIRD HONEYMOON...

(…)I didn’t say anything, because I didn’t want to ruin our honeymoon, but I wasn't happy with the situation at all! The place was beautiful, but there was mold everywhere! Besides that, there were a lot of weird noises coming from the cemetery, but Paul didn’t seem to be bothered with that, so I stopped being so spoil sport complaining about everything.

After we finished unpacking, Lord James invited us for dinner. As we walked down the stairs, I could not avoid looking at some paintings hanging on the wall. One of them was a portrait of a man with green eyes, but not just green eyes, they were Paul’s eyes! I could recognize those anywhere!

“Who is that guy on the picture?” I asked to James, “Oh, it’s my stepfather, John, he died several years ago…” he answered, I was going to ask if he’s related to Paul somehow, but when I opened my mouth, I was silenced by a thunder. I was so terrified that I got speechless. Lord James stared at me wearily and said “I think we should have our dinner now”. I embraced Paul and nodded my head.

The mood during the dinner was very suspicious. Everyone stared at Paul each and every second! Once back into our room, I heard some talking. I followed the voices; they were coming from the library. I sneaked trough the keyhole and I could see Valesca, she was wearing a long red dress and Lord James, who was sharpening a knife. He was mentioning something about Paul...

"…Valesca, when Paul wakes up, you call him gently to this room, and distract him, so I can finish him, if you know what I mean…” He laughed malevolently .
“Lord James”, said Valesca, “do you really think it’s necessary?”
“That’s the only way to bring John back. Deal with it.” said him. I’ve got breathless when I heard that.

Suddenly I felt something touching me, but the fear stopped me from screaming, I looked back and I saw Joan, she was holding a flashlight, the power went off and I didn´t realize it! She explained to me the entire situation: her husband believed that the only thing that could bring John back to life was the death of my husband, who was his incarnation. To accomplish the plan, Lord James brought us to his mansion. Now I could understand the guilt in Veronica’s eyes! I was so relieved I had figured it all out, but I still wanted to get out of there!

Joan could see that Paul meant a lot to me, so she agreed to help us to escape. She asked one of her neighbor’s to distract Lord James while she showed us a way to get out of the forest. Paul and I escaped using the back door and, once back into the woods we saw a band of chimpanzees in a branch. They seemed so happy just being in family! I looked at Paul and said: “You know what, why we don’t simply go back to our house and enjoy our time together? It doesn’t matter where I am, if I’m with you I’ll always be happy!” Paul smiled at me, and after that smile I knew that it all worth it!

We enjoyed every second together since then, and I had the best honeymoon ever!!! Ah, almost forgot! Joan and I became best friends, can you believe it?! And you must be wondering what happened to Lord James, well he was hospitalizen in a mental's house! My story had a happy ending after all!

Ps: Sorry about the size of my text, it turned out bigger than I expected...

Sunday 8 August 2010

My vacation = P

What can I tell about my vacation?

Well, we, my family and I, are used to go to Setiba, a small city in EspĂ­rito Santo, to visit my grandparent´s (from my father´s family). Me, my parents, my aunt, my uncle and my cousins go there every July’s vacations, and this time was no exception. It’s a great opportunity for me to be around my family and experiencing new things.

The worst thing of going to Setiba is traveling by car, the roads get very dangerous at this time of the year and it take about seven hours to get there!!! I'm so glad we traveled by plane.

Most of my time in Setiba, I spent in my granny's pool, and if I weren't there, I'd be probably at the beach. I could stay an entire life there!!! I LOVE to swim and I also LOVE to take long walks along the beach. We got very lucky, because although it was winter, it was sunny all week long!

I think it's so rewarding, after a whole semester in school, to lie down under the sun hearing the waves crashing against the rocks, thinking about nothing...

Once back to BH, I did all these vacations stuff: I went to the mall with my friends, read a few books, watched some movies and so on…

A couple of days before the end of my vacation, I went to a small farm of mine, where I could relax a little bit more and enjoy a beautiful view. My cousin´s house is in the same street, so we had lots of fun together.

Even being a short vacation, I enjoyed every second!